
Tutorials Point

Friday, December 21, 2012

Get the Best Holiday to Hong Kong this Christmas

Holiday to Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a country which is in the middle of world’s attention, being a financial center or a tourist hot spot or a country with big modern and urban stature. Hong Kong is a country colorful and diverse in its very form. Hong Kong is tourist hot spots from the modern skylines to the fancy malls which is why a Holiday to Hong Kong is always in demand; Hong Kong has everything for everyone. Amazing night life and multicultural cuisine is  what you get when you book a Package Hong Kong add to it a multicultural flavor that  add another level for this country of fortune to be the world’s top spot. Experience a Cheap Holiday to Hong Kong and experience Asia’s world’s city. For more information log on to Air Travel Experts.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Points by which you can identify that Google penalizes your site

Site owners can check google penalization of a website by many ways. A number of them are given below:

Keyword Rankings: Your keywords are getting top results on SERP and suddenly the rating drops for all those keywords. It means that your website is penalized by google because your keywords are going down in SERP (Search Engine Result pages).

Loss of Page Value: If a page is indexed by google besides this, your page in not appearing in search result or appearing not very when they give full title and site name. This means that your site is in trouble.

Pages De-index: An immense number of you pages are indexed by google and after a time period you check and found only a few pages indexed by google. This de-index of pages also indicates that your website is penalized by Google.

Google Cache: Google Cache is the other way to know google penalization. Simply Google take all sites available on web to cache update according to lots of factor related to google guidelines. In the event you found your google cache date elderly then it means that your website is penalized by google.

Fully De-index: At a time most of your sites pages are cached by google but suddenly the pages are de-index, it indicates that your website is penalized.

Number of Back links: If your site is getting an immense drop in number of back links then it ought to be feasible that Google penalizes your website.

Index Time: If the new content is uploaded to your site and site is taking couple of weeks to be indexed. This might be a sign of Google penalization.

Google Page Rank: Google Page Rank shows the worth of your website. If google penalizes your site for any reason then you can see an immense drop in Google page rank.